Click-Level Details

Gain Better Insights Of User Behavior

Click-level details provide you with granular data on individual clicks, events, and conversions taking place in your campaigns. This level of granularity gives insights into the full conversion funnel, helping you understand what’s working and what needs improvement.

See The Full User Conversion Journey

Understand how users interact with your content by tracking which links they click, how long they spend on specific pages, and how they convert.

Improve Your Conversion Optimization

Identify specific points in the funnel where users drop off to better optimize your website and marketing campaigns.

Determine Attribution Touchpoints

Attribute engagement and conversions to specific channels, partners, or placements for guidance on budget allocation and marketing strategy.

Ready To Scale Your Growth?

Start tracking every partnership and channel, analyze what delivers revenue and engagement, and consolidate your growth efforts.

Transparent Pricing Tiers

Unlimited Seats & Access

World Class Support