Click-To-Conversion Time

Prevent Coupon Poaching With Click-To-Conversion Time

Click-To-Conversion Time reporting empowers you to spot coupon poaching, unnatural conversions, and traffic from bots or spam that bring no real value to your campaigns.

Get Alerted To Suspicious Timeframes

Set alert automations to notify you when any partner placement delivers purchases with unusually short click-to-conversion times.

Automate Valid Conversion Times

Determine a minimum time for treating conversions as valid, so all others fired outside the defined time frame will be rejected.

Reward Your Influencers Accurately

Ensure that the proper affiliates and influencers receive commission for delivering traffic that spends time shopping on your site before purchase.

Ready To Scale Your Growth?

Start tracking every partnership and channel, analyze what delivers revenue and engagement, and consolidate your growth efforts.

Transparent Pricing Tiers

Unlimited Seats & Access

World Class Support